tirsdag den 12. august 2014

Lykkelig sabbatår (lad ikke den slags negativitet holde dig nede)

Hvad laver du egentlig
Sagde manden skeptisk fordi
Sabbatår findes ikke
Disciplinløse unge motivationskritik

Jeg er lykkelig
Sagde jeg

Ha! Skriv dit vers et andet sted
Unge unge uden retning
Gnæggende sur gammel troløse mand

Jeg sørger stadig over tabet af håb i hans sted

lørdag den 17. maj 2014

I øjnene at Se

Min pen
Er min ven;
Den sandeste

Min bog
Er et låg
For mit sjæle-indkog

tirsdag den 13. maj 2014


Hver morgen smadrer jeg mig selv
Spiser lidt morgenmad
Bliver lidt hel igen
Ved frokosttid er jeg et stort, sort hul
Der ved aftenstid er helt forbrændt til kul

Og så ved jeg: jeg har nået mit mål.

tirsdag den 6. maj 2014

Achy Breaky

The sound the heart makes
When it doth break
Oh joy - the bittersweetness
The relief of great endureance
The salty weepy
Slimy creepy
Stupid thing

I should have never let you in

torsdag den 30. januar 2014

Through the wonderful online magaine Synchronized Chaos (synchchaos.com) I received the book "Ardor" by Janine Canan to review. The following is my experience with reading Janine Canans poems, and as you will discover I very much recommend looking in to Janines work if you're even just a bit interested in poetry. Please enjoy!

Janine Canans book "Ardor" is a beautiful and fantastic collection of ponderous poems with lots of things to think about,  swirled together with a delightful, yet skillful, composition of words arousing a wonderful sense of, as titled, ardor when read. 
Janine Canans poems argues natures needs, longings and pains and explores the spiritual side of womens history and legacy. Several Gods of exotic nature are mentioned throughout the book and lovingly sewn into the poems, serving as steppingstones towards the true meaning of each of the masterfully crafted stanzas. The poems awake a sense of wonder and mysterious curiosity within the reader as they are read, and one can not help but to feel wiser after reading the book "Ardor". 
I feel truly blessed to have had the privelige to review such a wonderful, skillful, joyful and wise book of true ardor.

Read more about Janine Canan and her work at http://www.janinecanan.com/

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