fredag den 7. december 2012


If i climb high enough
Into heaven
and bring down a piece of it
maybe seven
Could you believe me then
Proof in hands
or would your blindness of heart
contaminate the chance
of ever convincing you
To see
What I see
Just be
What you are and can be

mandag den 19. november 2012


I have looked the sun straight in they eye
I was invited, he said he'd got nothing to hide
So I took off my glasses and I took a good look
At what I'd just yesterday mistook
 For an ordinary ball of light
No glamour, no spite
Yet now the Sun of suns was in my sight
And I felt my whole foundation shook
So I peeled off my skin and I threw it away
So that I may live in the land of forever day.

tirsdag den 13. november 2012

Conclusion by poetry

What if this life was just a cartoon
as dark as the moon
Would we be the heroes on a flying ship
Controlled by a chip
I should fly and save the world
my ego so twirled
These faces are much too beautiful
all, too, so hurtful
Maybe the cartoonists should leave the rest
only design the crest
And to all of us leave the best
making this life not a cartoon
... But a contest

I selected this post to be featured on Poetry Blogs. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

lørdag den 10. november 2012

Depression With a Rhyme-Scheme

I long to live out my dreams,
but reality is as reality seems,
it's hard work and occasional breakdowns
usually it just feels like acting silly in front of clowns..
I guess the true story is;
It will probably always be like this.

fredag den 5. oktober 2012

De nætter

Sleepless nights are the hardest,
But I get it;
It’s when the mind wants to sleep but the heart is
Hoping for a bigger thrill.

To Measure Oneself

Sometimes the world seems so twisted,
Sometimes it only takes one thing to fuck you up,
At these times it can truly be measured,
What you’re really made of.

torsdag den 27. september 2012


Det kan nok være så fin en kunst,
at komme al slags maling i hovedet,
men jeg tænker om ikke Gud havde os ondt',
at vi kunne være maling foruden.

onsdag den 5. september 2012

Om det at Længtes

Star, star
Reach down and save me
Star, star
Lift me up above gravity

Star, star
Amaze me with your wonders
Star, star
Awake me from those who blunders

søndag den 26. august 2012

På Dansk, kan Man også(budskab)

Der er mangen en Dansker der ter sig så ilde,
mon det kommer sig af ren og skær modedille?
Jeg syntes ej at kunne finde en højere mening
med folks behov for utålelig selv-promovering

Kan vi alle nu ikke bare behandle andre hueligt,
og ikke kun for at det skal blive alle folk skueligt
For det kan passe at man har ret til meget af hvert
men hvad er det hvis man altid er forkastet kun fordi man ikke har kunnet sig nær't?

Forstå at jeg er af en anderledes sort
jeg gjalder ikke op, dog jeg arbejder ligeså hårdt
på at bibeholde vort alsidige samfund
Men hvad mine hænder ej magter, må fuldbyrdes gennem mund

Så jeg sender dette digt
Med den kun ene hensigt
At muligvis kunne vende danskernes ansigt
Mod en søgen på bedre indsigt
Så, en konklusion man drage kan;
lad ej din grådighed føre dig an
For alle er jo kun et menneske
og elsk nu ham, som du skal elske din næste.

lørdag den 30. juni 2012

Om Tid

Oh time,
How do you seem to hold such a perfect line?
You're always running, never stopping, such a power, yet so fine

Sweet time,
Healing hands, forming lands, your greatness can only encline
You're like the perfect wife to man, an innocent concubine

Holy time,
Such a refine, no wise man can ever define
Will you be mine?

fredag den 29. juni 2012

Om at Være til(Det er ikke nemt)

A wanderer in the night
Not afraid of the fright
He'll keep wandering the whole long night
Just fleeing the light

A stray walking with those who belong
She finds no comfort in these people she's among
She'll be living her whole life, knowing she doesn't belong
She'll never know it's wrong

We're all prisoners of our existence
It's a whirlpool surrounded by an inescapable fence
Everyone should live to know how it makes sense
Alas we are only prisoners of existence

There's a baby being left by his mother
He'll grow up to believe no one cares enough to bother
He'll be anxious to find answers, to find his mother
He knows he'll never be loved by no other

She's an only child, always getting what she wants
She's reckless, but she'll be changed by the next nine months
Because the man she'll run into in the ally knows what he wants
All her life, all she knows, will be torn like fragile bonds

torsdag den 28. juni 2012

Om at Forældre

I will be a guide to you
I'll always be there to help you through
Whenever you need me, I'll be by your side
And I'll be strong for you until the planets collide

I'll respect your wishes and show you the way,
To get along by yet another hard day
You'll hate me sometimes, I know you will
But I'll keep steady working, like a sturdy mill

The day will come when I'm not to walk these streets anymore,
But trust me when I say, I'll be there for you none the less than before
And you'll have to be strong for your own children, too
Just keep forever in your heart, that I love you.

onsdag den 27. juni 2012

Om Matematik

A tribute to math
It's like it was invented just to make you mad
I mean really, who doesn't it make sad?
A plague is what it is
I wont figure, I can't take more of this

Go to hell with your algebra,
And I'll salute you with an orchestra
Pack up geometric and carry it away,
put it somewhere where it'll always lay

And you teachers, go get a life!
Get married, get laid, do what you've always had to strive
Tell your colleagues they've wasted their time,
And go have a bite of that life that is a lime

The world would only make more sense,
If  math was to be removed from its ophthalmic lens.

tirsdag den 26. juni 2012

Om en Ven, en Muse, en man har Brug for

She's a mystery to me,
Yet she's so obscure
She's all these things you wouldn't imagine she'd be,
So innocent and oh so pure

She's a riddle I can't figure out
The way she smiles!
She just takes you right in, no need to exploit
For her, anyone would walk a thousand miles

She's simply a puzzle no one can solve
Oh how she ever strives to evolve
I don't think you can do anything,
But to simply fall in love.

mandag den 25. juni 2012

Om Kærlighed og at Kunne

We've been here before
You know as well as I, that we can't pretend no more
Yes, we've had our golden times,
Just like those you hear about in romantic rhymes
But it all just caught up in the end;
All of those small wounds none of us could seem to mend
I won't worry,
I believe it was destined to hurt
But to think all of this just began with a flirt!
I need you to be with me in this
I don't want to forget you, since you were the one to steal my first kiss
No i think we need to act like adults,
You know,
Not just focus on all of our faults
See how i try to work with you?
I sure could use a hand of yours,
Or two
Just help me out
You know I love us
Please stop your fighting and all the big fuss
As I said,
I want us to part with mannes
We can do this,
Although I know we are sinners
But goodbye it is my dear friend and love
I hope you had fun and enjoyed what you got.

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